
doctestprinter.round_collections(item_to_round: Any, digits: int = 3)Any

Rounds items within collections (dict, list, tuple). This method also supports object, which implements a round(digits) method.

  • item_to_round (Any) – An item with the potential to be rounded. If the item cannot be rounded it will be returned instead.

  • digits (int) – Remaining digits of the rounded number. Default is 3.




>>> sample_dict = {"a_number": 1.234567, "not": "a number"}
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_dict, digits=4)
{'a_number': 1.2346, 'not': 'a number'}
>>> sample_list = [1.234567, "not a number"]
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_list, digits=4)
[1.2346, 'not a number']
>>> sample_tuple = (1.234567, "not a number")
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_tuple, digits=4)
(1.2346, 'not a number')

Invoking the round(digit) method of objects.

>>> import numpy
>>> sample_array = numpy.array([1.234567])
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_array, digits=4)
>>> from pandas import Series
>>> sample_series = Series([1.234567])
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_series, digits=4)
0    1.2346
dtype: float64
>>> from pandas import DataFrame
>>> sample_frame = DataFrame([[1.234567, "not a number"]])
>>> round_collections(item_to_round=sample_frame, digits=4)
        0             1
0  1.2346  not a number

Or just do nothing.

>>> round_collections(item_to_round="nothing at all", digits=4)
'nothing at all'